Men's Ministry

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

At COKCC, we believe that in order for men to grow they need to be sharpened. King Solomon in his wisdom said in Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another. The Men’s Ministry of COKCC realize that we need encounters that are challenging and yet rewarding as we come together in order to be prepared to win the battle. The men of COKCC seek to create a brave space where we can grow in the grace of our King Jesus Christ as we are accountable to one another to sharpen our lives as men for God’s purpose and plans for our lives.

Ironmen Men's Ministry meets on Zoom, the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

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Discover His grace through our Ironmen Ministry, today!